My fashion design studies at Istituto Marangoni are finally over. We had all the final exams on Tuesday morning. I need to admit that I got pretty nervous the night before and in the morning. I finished almost everything already last Friday and wasn`t that stresses about the last days, but then I started to think if I could have done better... (Dummie!!!) There were still people who didn`t sleep the last nights and who did the final technicals at school while waiting for their turn.

Okay, I graduated with excellent grades so all my work really paid off. I am satisfied. ;o) After my exams I just felt overwhelmed and although I was tired I couldn`t sleep. Too much adrenaline... I met my friend for lunch and finally bought my new mannequin.

In the evening we went to Fashion Cafe for aperitifs to celebrate the graduation with my schoolfriends. Kinda funny that when we started there was 16 of us, during the year 5 dropped out and at least 1 failed in the end. So like I have tried to tell you, not that easy studying at Marangoni if you take it seriously...

We did some bar- jumping after Fashion Cafe and at some point found ourselves from a cafeteria in Brera eating pizza-slices, croissants and drinking sparkling. Nam! After Corso Como we finally ended the night to the legendary Hollywood...

We got some fireworks also to the table... ;o)

Our gang that was left before entering Hollywood... Great music there, we had so much fun. So much that after Wednesday morning when I finally got to bed, I slept almost 3 days...
Hienoa, hienoa!!! Mielettömästi onnea valmistumisen johdosta!! Varmasti helpottunut tunne, kun se valtava työmäärä ja unettomat yöt on nyt ohi :) Nauti ja juhlista sitä kunnolla!
Ciao bella! Hurjasti paljon onnea hienosta suorituksesta ja työmäärän loppuunsaattamisesta!Olet aikamoinen työmyyrä! Nauti ja hymyillen uusiin haasteisiin! Haleja Salosta!
Mitä valmistumisen jälkeen? Muutatko Suomeen enää?
Kiitti tytöt! ;o)
Never say never, mut ekaks ainakin työnhakua Italiassa tai Suomen ulkopuolella... Saatan käydä tekee joitain keikkoja kotimaassa pärjätäkseni taloudellisesti täällä. Tällä hetkellä ei oo ainakaan hirvee hinku Pohjolaan...
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