I should be on vacation now when my friend is here and my school is finished, but I feel like we are rushing from place A to B and there is so many things that we need to do. Yesterday I finally started to make my CV and cover letter. It wasn`t a minute too early, because at the same time I got a phone call from my taxi driver that I needed to contact someone for a job. I took Sanna to the city bus tour and after taking care of some errands started working.

I also got a phone call that I will have a job for a famous designer starting next Tuesday. It will only be for a week, but I am convinced that it will be an amazing experience. Can`t wait!!! I will tell you later the name of the designer. ;o)

My computer crashed (of course) and I was running out of time before my friends would arrive for sparkling and strawberries at my place before dinner at Naviglio. We had a great Italian "cena" with Finns and enjoyed each other`s company.

The weather has been really sunny, but freezing cold for the past days. Lucky Sanna, she gets to see the best of Milan. When we got home I started to work for my portfolio, because I thought that I would need it the next day. (So great that I have finally learned during the past year not to leave things for the last night, hah hah... right!!!)
Titolo del post in italiano e post intero in inglese
originale :D
Grazie, questo è il mio stile... ;o)
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