With too little sleep (again) I ran to school for an appointment in the morning. I also met my pattern making teacher quickly. He had a first customer for me. I have advised the teachers, students at Marangoni and my friends here that I sew clothing to help them (and my financial situation). Hopefully I earn some money with sewing before finding a job in fashion.

By the time I was done at school, Sanna made it to Via Verri (my school) by herself. Great navigating babe! We had brunch at my favorite bar close to the school. It was so nice to go there again when all the waiters were asking where have I been for a week. I just love to be missed... Hih!

It is so funny to start understanding how small this metropolitan city, Milan, is... I had my meeting with my "helper" and became more objective with my future. Maybe goodness still exists.

Later in the afternoon our plans of having picnic in Parco Sempione changed into shopping... It was just way too cold to sit still. Sanna didn`t mind and neither did I. (I know my credit card did... Damn!)

I have too rarely time to walk home from Duomo. I like taking Via Torino and then the Colonne di San Lorenzo to Corso di Porta Ticinese. That is the street where I was supposed to move when I first got here, but the landlord was too big trouble. Mr. Trouble... ;o)

Luckily I had some sense when shopping and only ended up with one pair of cool shoes. Sanna shopped behalf of me... 4 pairs of shoes and the rest.

The view towards Naviglio Grande when the sun was setting down.

We got some great pictures. So much fun having Sanna here playing tourist/ paparazzi.

Girls from Rauma...

The sunset was pretty amazing and we tried to hurry to the next bridge for the last pictures, but the sun went down too fast for us. Days keep busy with my friend around and we still had the evening and night to go... ;o)
Miten hauskaa varmasti saada hyvä ystävä sinne kyläileen :) Pääsee itsekin leikkimään turistia samalla ;) Tuo viimeinen auringonlaskukuva on upea!!! :) Hienoa, että työjuttujakin alkaa siellä pikku hiljaa järjestyä :)
On kiva taas päästä hiukan edes hengähtämään opintojen jälkeen ja samalla huomata miten ihanassa kaupungissa/ maassa asuu... ;o)
I love walking through the streets of Milan through you!!! Wonderful pictures, especially the sunset!!
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