I feel sleepy all the time. I am back to drinking at least 3 espressos per day (not yet double like last summer). That is a lot for a girl who didn`t drink coffee before moving here. After the two collections I handed in last week, I started the two new ones right away. Not a change to have a break or sleep. This week after the fashion shows I have had hard time concentrating into my final works... My mind is flying somewhere in an other galaxy... ;o)
There are some things that make me question...
1. I witnessed the 4th protest of something this week. (Nobody ever knows what it is about...) What is going on in this country??? The funniest was yesterday when getting up from my Porta Genova metro and I saw at least 20 carabinieri with full gear. I was thinking: "What?", until I saw 4 people walking with banners and the traffic completely stopped. Hah haaa, so funny! Okay, the other manifests were way bigger than that.
2. Why do my neighbours say "salve" in the courtyard? Why not "buon giorno" or "ciao"?
3. I have an addiction to Nutella... Why is the chocolate always after eating around my entire face? Pretty much until my nose... ;o)
4. Why are Italian fruits cheaper in Finland than in Italy? Can`t understand it...
5. When I buy kiwi-fruits they are hard as rocks... I have to wait for a week them to ripen. So strange! Why are they always raw???
6. Why are Italians so full of empty promises? That is something that I won`t get used to... I don`t open up my mouth unless I plan to do what I say.... Like come on!!!!!!
7. In love, is there really "the one" right person for everyone? How do you know that he or she is "the one"?
Gotta get back to schoolwork. My blond head is just too full of thoughts... I might need a class of sparkling and some chocolate to keep going on with my studies... ;o)
Mäkin niin rakastan kunnon lumista talvea ja pientä kirpeää pakkassäätä. Australiassa tulee sitä varmasti ikävä. No, pitää varmaan ajoittaa Suomen visiitit talveen ;)
Oon varmaan harvinainen, mutta en ole ikinä maistanut Nutellaa... PItääpä joskus korjata tuo. Suklaa on yum! eli varmasti maistuu hyvälle... :)
Tsemppia lopputöihin :) Loppurutistukset..!
And when meet "the one" you just know it in your heart... ;)
Minä olen katsellut joka aamu ihan samaa julistetta! ;)
Ihmettelen myös noita mielenosoituksia.. aina pitää jostakin asiasta protestoida! Pääsin ensimmäistä kertaa kokeilemaan milanolaista raitiovaunua ja mitäs sitten kävikään! Tie oli tukittu autoilla ja loppumatka jouduttiinkin juoksemaan (kiire elokuviin).
Poikaystävä kertoi, että tämän viikon protestin syynä oli talonvaltaus. Nämä porukat siis ottivat erään talon haltuunsa ja protestoivat nyt kun oikea omistaja haluaa omaisuutensa takaisin.
Taitaa olla sinulla isot päätökset mielessä.. En osaa sanoa muuta kuin in bocca al lupo!
Kiitti tytöt!
Hiukan liikaa ajateltavaa samalla kuin pitäis keskittyä lopputyöhön 120%.
C`est la vie...
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