I just finished my last official week of school, next week there is only one back up lesson of patternmaking and then preparing for all the final exams. I can`t believe how fast time flies here. I moved to Milan about 10 months ago.
What a last week indeed!!! I have been like a sleepwalker 24/7. On Tuesday I slept in for 8 hours (you heard me, 8 hours) missing all the classes for the entire day. On Wednesday morning on my way to school, thing that I have been worried of happened, I passed my metrostop in San Babila. I was in such a coma that I got out at Palestra and returned one stop. Hahahaaa... How funny is that? ;o) I feel that I live in my own little bubble. I don`t see anybody or hear anybody around me. I drop things and I can`t remember anything, I have yellow post-its everywhere... which I don`t see. (I just woke up from 3 hour nap at 9PM...)
I don`t know if it is normal to sleep 2-4 hours for a night for months or start the morning with painkillers (for my shoulders) and double espressos. Maybe... I have no appetite in the mornings which is scary, cause I used to live for breakfasts. If I eat something during the day, it is piadine* with prosciutto crudo and maybe later some nutella-toasts & espresso. Every single time I eat piadine I think about my dear gay boyfriend who says that: "There is way too many calories in them. Are you crazy to eat them amore???" ;o)
I heard two shocking secrets today. My good friend is pregnant and I am extremely happy for her. But the other one was a friend divorcing... they just go married, what is going on with the world??? I just can`t stop thinking of that... and the fact that my friend will return home to Israel where the war is starting again... just gives me goose bumps.
*Piadine are unleavened Italian flatbreads traditionally cooked over hot coals on an earthenware plate called a testo. Once cooked, piadine should be eaten piping hot, folded in two or cut into four or else rolled up. In Italy, piadine are often eaten with fresh Italian cheeses such as crescenza or stracchino, cured meats like prosciutto di Parma or salami, sautéed greens, fruits, jams, and even Nutella.
Tsemppia sulle opiskelujen loppurutistukseen!! Pian tahti rauhoittuu ja paaset taas normaaliin paivajarjestykseen kiinni :) Tuo ruisleipa on herkkua :)
Çok güzel site.:)
Kiitti Katariina!
Sitä tarvitaan. ;o) Ollut aika crazy viikko ja tein tänään jotain mitä vastaan mun sydän on, mutta...
Muista pakata hapankorppua ja varrasleipää sinne muuttolaatikoihin ja ehkä myös elovenaa jos teet teeleipiä... ;o)(Mä syön edelleen aamuisin puuroa.)
Hyvä, et joku toinenkin syö näin aikuiseen ikään ehtineenä vielä puuroa aamuisin ;) Mun syön kans ja jos en ole saanut sitä joka aamuista puurolautasellista,niin se päivä menee kyllä jotenkin vinksalleen :-D
Ciao bella!
Kiva kun olit ilmestynyt blogini seinälle :)
Oggi sono occupatissima, mutta tulenpa lukemaan blogiasi tarkemmin huomenna.
HASSUA nähdä maininta San Babilasta after all these years... olin aikanaan lapsenhoitajana Milanossa yhden kesän.
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