I am still so happy with my great vacation in Finland. I can`t wait to go back again, hopefully before next christmas. I feel that before I moved to Milan I really felt uneasy living there, I needed a change, badly. Now I have gotten things arranged a bit in my mind, because I might even consider moving back there one day... or maybe then I`ll just get a cabin in the Lapland... ;o)

This week my life has been school, (we were only 5 students back from x-mas break, private teaching big time) making the collections and meeting my Finnish friends, I so missed them. I have seen them all separately, we really should arrange something with everyone together. Teemu promised to help me with my jobhunt later on. Great! Can`t wait! It will be so interested... in the land of empty promises. ;o)

Hmmm.... I haven`t made a single new year`s promise, not even to stop eating candies or drink champagne... Why should I? Life is too short to lack something you enjoy doing. Okay, maybe I should promise to buy less shoes or bags... but why would I do that??? I know someone who always promises to stop buying cars and he never can stick to that promise either... Cars are just his passion... I think that I can live with that, if he can live with my addiction to high heels. ;o)
Ps. If I am getting visitors from Finland, I am not going to host anybody without not bringing me Kiss Kiss-candies from the airport. I am hooked to them... AND THAT IS A PROMISE!!! ;o)
Kissakarkit onkin hyviä. Etsin ulkomailla asuvia suomalaisia ja jouduit verkkooni. Haluatkohan vastata leikkimieliseen haasteeseen, pakollistahan se ei ole.
I found you thru Isopeikko's challenge. I got curious to see who else he had hit. Fashion and champagne - gal, I totally understand your classy fixations! Paris salutes Milan!
Kiss-Kiss? That's a sad addiction :o
I guess my addiction to Kiss Kiss has been since childhood. Sad, yeah... and really no good thinking of the summer and bikini-season... ;o)
I will try to answer all the questions as soon as possible. ;o)
Hei uusi blogituttavuus. :) Piipahdin tänne Katariinan blogin kautta sattumalta ja heti ensimmäisenä täytyy ihmetellä noita Kiss Kiss-karkkeja... Uskomatonta että niitä vielä tehdään! :O Enpä ole noita syönyt sitten kultaisen 80-luvun. :D
Juu, löysin niitä Fazerin parhaista-pussista jo joululomalla ja kotimatkalla Helsinki-Vantaan kentällä myytiin ihana rasia pelkästään niitä... Jee!!! Viimeisiä menee kopasta, huh! Pitää keksiä jotain muuta tähän makean nälkään seuraavaks. ;o)
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