I was so pissed of yesterday that I couldn`t even update my blog. Let me start from the beginning. On Monday evening we had to leave from school earlier because the strike would start again and everybody wanted to get home in time. That was okay, but on Tuesday morning I left to school at 9AM like normally finding out that the metro was broken. Yes, so I desided to take the tram instead. Usually it is fine coming home from Duomo, but this time in the morning number 2 was terrible. I bounced 50 minutes between two men in phones in burning hot sardine can just to get to school too late not being able to register anymore. Just great!

There is a slight problem in our group of people skipping the classes. My teacher warned us that 60% of the people might not be able to take the final exams if they continue like that. I am not in the hot line. I think that it is kinda smart to go to the school if I pay about 150€ per day. Well, that is just my opinion. ;o)

Yesterday we wanted to have lunch in this 7€ restaurant that everybody kept praising. Sure 7€ of bad service, cold and dry meet. I am not in the favour of Italian women. They dislike me big time. Two weeks ago one young lady almost drove over me. Nice! I am sure she saw me walking, but ups...that tall blond just appeared from nowhere.

After school we went to Hermès to do my luxury collection research with my friend Shahar. I knew that the atmosphere would be like in Chanel so I was dressed chic like always. Downstairs the service was good but upstairs in women clothing, oh my good... and ladies again. I desided to start speaking only english to get better service, but I couldn`t find all the persons being able to communicate with me so I had to speak Italian again. Getting the info I needed was so difficult. Feels that Hermès is better kept secret than my pincodes. After speaking with 4 people, I finally got a number where to call. Today calling there I got advised to contact an other person by e-mail and here I am hoping that these wonderful Italians will aswer to my kind e-mail. (I still haven`t heard from Diesel or Missoni, where I mailed 1,5 months ago.) Nice to have some excitment in life!

Well, I am not done yet. When coming home by metro I got in the feet of a crowd and got stucked by a pole, people still pushing behind me like it would be the last ride in the world. So great! Why are these people so arrogant. I am always nice and polite to everybody, I speak Italian and I really really try, but not anymore. I will start speaking only english and I will be as rude as they are. We will see then who laughs the best then.

I finally got home and called to my landlord. I have been waiting for a repair for my heater since summer. Just by sudden she tells me that they have gotten an other opinion from someone else (who hasn`t even seen the heater) and it doesn`t have to be fixed. So great again! I heard the repair man saying with my own ears in the summer that IT IS NOT SAFE!!! So I continue freezing and my life in the appartment with +12C. All of these changes were made after I gave a notice of this place, that I might leave in May if I don`t find a job in Milan. (Here in Milan the rent contract is 4+4 years and notice time 6 months.)

This was just one of my perfect Italian days again. ;o) Today I can already laugh, but yesterday... I feel that I need to fight too often in this city to survive and not to lose my temper. Can`t wait for the job hunt. ;o) Again I have to be thankful for my great great friends... You are so important! ;o) I feel that after moving to Milan I have almost totally lost contact to my own family in Finland. So sad, I am not so far away... Not so easy always in this amazing country. Luckily I am a tough girl!!! All these pictures are from today, just some places where I pass by. (In the last one my friend Noni bying dinner.)
Hei, ihmettelen kovasti miksi sinusta tuntuu siltä että italialaisilla naisilla olisi jotain sinua vastaan? En usko että hiusten värillä on kaikissa tapauksissa merkitysta. Itsekin olen italiassa asuva blondi mutta en ole koskaan tuntenut olevani jotenkin inhottu sen vuoksi.Varsinkin palveluammateissa olevilla naisilla on vaan monesti tosi huonoja päiviä!Kokemusta on ;)Yleensä myös nuo jotka meinaavat ajaa yli ovat tosi huonoja kuskeja eivätkä näe omaa nenäänsä pidemmälle. Et uskoisi monta kertaa mun yli on meinattu ajaa kun olen pyörällä liikenteessä :) Tsemppiä, koitahan tutustua myös italialaisiin naisiin, niistä voi saada yllättäen hyviäkin ystäviä!
terkuin Mari
Moikka Mari!
Tiedätkö miten mä oon yrittänyt... Oon ajatellut, et kuvittelen vaan, mutta en. Epäilen, että niillä on sit huonoja päiviä joka päivä palvelualalla mikä ei todellakaan oo hyvä. Mun lähikauppojen myyjät on ok, kun juttelen niille aina, mut ne keihin törmään ekaa kertaa on tosi ilkeitä. Mun mielestä se on erittäin epäammattimaista. Mä oon Suomessa ollut niin kauan palvelualalla, et tiedän hyvin. Kiitti kuitenkin. ;o) Katotaan löydänkö kultaisen keskitien vai lähdenkö bitch/ turisti-asenteeseen.
Perjantai-iltana yritän uudelleen tutustua italialaisiin naisiin illallisen yhteydessä.
Ciao ciao!
Ps. Oo varovainen sen pyörän kanssa! ;o)
Toivotaan että kultainen keskitie löytyy! Ymmärrän että joskus saattaa tuntua hankalalta, italialaiset kun eivät ole aina ihan helpoimmasta päästä..Täällä valitettavasti ei ole helppo löytää hyvää palvelua ja ihmiset joilla on työsoppari "tempo indeterminato" voivat suurinpiirtein tehda mitä tykkäävät koska potkuja on vaikea siinä vaiheessa saada..Asuin itse Milanossa ensin ja sitten muutin Bresciaan ja musta tuntuu että täällä jo enemmän löytyy sitä palveluhalukkuuttam, suurkaupunki on aina suurkaupunki! Ciao!
ps. sori en huomannut viimeksi kirjautua!
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