We have gotten used to go to the outdoor market of Naviglio. It is hold on the last Sunday of almost every month. It feels like last week when I was there with my Bionda, but it must be a month ago. Time really flies here and I don`t even want to think what will happen in February after graduation. I need to find a job which pays more than 1500€ and really deside in which country to start living... of course it depends of the work I will find... (gasping)...

Some days ago we got snow to Milan, but today it was only freezing cold by the canal. I find it amusing that some of the sellers recognize me by the booths. Come on... I go there once a month and there must be thousands of other shoppers. Hih...

Today my compagnion was Socrates from Marangoni. Every girl should have at least a few gay best buddies... like Stanford for Carrie. ;o) It has been so busy at school that we haven`t had well time to catch-up lately. Fortunately we still have msn and this lovely Sunday at Naviglio. I have to admit that he was replazing my Bionda pretty well with shopping and observing all the "kitsch".

Some photographer stopped us and wanted to take pictures of him. So cool! I would love to see them when they end up to Arena magazine.

The lady and Socrates checking out the result. I didn`t think that it would get this cold already in November here in Milan. Afrer our "research" trip around the canal our fingers were so frozen that we wanted to have a lunch with some great red wine to get warmer. For dolce we had some "torta di chocolate con il gelato"...
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