My friend called me today "nottambula". It means "yökyöpeli" or in English "night owl". I like the word in Italian, it is so funny!!! I guess he was totally right. Since I got my new best friend, wake-up light by Philips, I have started to sleep much longer and stay awake much much later. Maybe all the staying awake during last weeks have something to do with it as well, but still... How can I sleep so well with the radio and bright light next to my head. That is so weird!!!

Anyways... we got snow today in Milan and what I heard from the radio, the city was in chaos. I personally felt so homely. Hih... As soon as I got up (in the afternoon) I rushed out to enjoy it. My plan was to go for a long walk, but after 500 meters my snowboots were soaking wet. Instead I only took care of my errands.

All these pictures are from via Tortona. That is the home area of design shops and modelling offices. I had to pick up a skirt from the tailor and find a cobbler to repair my boots. It still isn`t that easy here finding the services you need... Luckily my dear portiere Eugenio always gives me a helping hand. On Tuesday I tried for a first time an Italian hairdresser in San Babila, Toni & Guy (I know British) and was pretty satisfied. Who wouldn`t be with that cute guys pampering you... ;o)

I have a tiny problem in my appartment here in Milan. In the summertime it was like sauna with a temperature +50C and now in the wintertime it is freezing cold. I have gas heating, but the repairguy visiting me in the summer told me that it isn`t that safe to use it. So I only have the heating on when I am home, but not when I am sleeping. The son of the owners said that he never sleeps with the gas on.... so usually when I come home from school or wake up the temperature is +12C. It is only November, what will I do in January??? I usually drink a class of red wine in the evenings to stay warm, but hey.... January??? I`ll become an alcoholic and most propably never graduate.
1 comment:
Ihanaa, teillekin tuli sinne lunta :) Täällä Helsingissä lumet on taas jo sulamaan päin, mut toivottavasti jouluksi tulee lisää :)
Muistan, että itsekin käytin Lontoossa asuessani Toni & Guy'ta ja tosi tyytyväinen olin :)
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