The christmas week in Rauma has been busy. Visiting relatives and friends takes a lot of time. I was hoping to have time to sleep, eat, do sports, watch movies and start with my accessories collection, but all that was too much to ask. Like you can guess... sports and schoolwork has been the last things in my mind. Hih...

On Tuesday we went for x-mas lunch with my family and my aunt and oncle. Vanhan Rauman Kellari was okay, except the service. Well, christmas time...

On the 24th, the christmas eve, we always go to the market place to hear the city mayor`s speech. It is nice to meet all the old friends there.

My dad and I in front of the museum. The weather was chilly even without snow.

A view from my grand parents window in the Old Rauma.

In the evening after dinner, we have a tradition to go to the graveyard to light up canddles for my grandparents. It is always so beautiful there... though I was hoping it to be white this year. Maybe next year.

On the 26th my little brother has his nameday and we always make a strawberry cake for him. Nam...
En ole ikinä Raumalla käynyt, mutta tuo vanha Rauma näyttää kauniin idylliseltä :) Mekin käydään aina haudalla viemässä kynttilät jouluna ja se on niin kaunis pimeällä kaikkine kynttilöineen. Mansikkakakku näytti myös tosi herkulliselta!! :)
Vanha Rauma on ihana ja taas tällä kertaa huomasin uusia putiikkeja ympäriinsä. Voi kun oliskin aikaa käydä niitä läpi.
Mansikkakakku ja champagne ei petä ikinä! Hih... ;o)
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