Friday, December 19, 2008

L`ultimo giorno prima la vacanza

Last day of school before the vacation, which comes perfectly in time... We all need to sleep and rest so badly. The last class we had on Tursday was Mario`s patternmaking. In the beginning of the class we were 6... and in the end just the three of us; Monica, Daniela and I. (I bet we were the teacher`s dream class... ha haa)

We wanted to celebrate the beginning of the christmas break with a nice cena in Brera with some sparkling... We had great time again. ;o)

Piazza La Scala looks always amzing with all the lights and I can`t stop taking pictures when I pass it by.


Katariina said...

Toivottavasti ehdit opiskelujen keskellä pitää kunnon joulubreikin rentoutuen ja joulutunnelmasta nauttien :)Ansaitset varmasti sen :) Mukavaa joulun aikaa sulle :)

stellina said...

Kiitti Katariina!
Uskon parin päivän huilin onnistuvan. ;o) Ihanaa joulun aikaa myös sulle!!!