We have gotten used to go to the outdoor market of Naviglio. It is hold on the last Sunday of almost every month. It feels like last week when I was there with my Bionda, but it must be a month ago. Time really flies here and I don`t even want to think what will happen in February after graduation. I need to find a job which pays more than 1500€ and really deside in which country to start living... of course it depends of the work I will find... (gasping)...
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Ancora domenica, mercato di Naviglio
Friday, November 28, 2008
Io, nottambula???
My friend called me today "nottambula". It means "yökyöpeli" or in English "night owl". I like the word in Italian, it is so funny!!! I guess he was totally right. Since I got my new best friend, wake-up light by Philips, I have started to sleep much longer and stay awake much much later. Maybe all the staying awake during last weeks have something to do with it as well, but still... How can I sleep so well with the radio and bright light next to my head. That is so weird!!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
La scuola dura
One of my friends said last week in FB that my life is sad, there is nothing else than school and homework. That was pretty much the truth. I lived for school 24/7... but I got great marks in the first exams so I don`t mind. That is why I paid a fortune to study here. It might be different for some others who are here just to party and because "Pappa betalar".
This is the view of our classrooms. There is 5 classes in the same huge long room. In the beginning it was strange to start studying here but now it is totally normal.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Marangoni party
Finally there was some little time to relax. It has been absurd at school. Really!!! I counted yesterday briefly that I have worked for school more than 400 hours in one month. Do you think that is normal? Still the Finnish covernment says that I am not a full time student and doesn`t give me any financial support, screw them!!!
Friday, November 14, 2008
L`autunno in Italia
It is Friday evening and I am home working for my collections. I have a deadline next week so most propably there won`t be too much sleep before that... The entire week has been gray and I have lacked all the energy. I guess that`s why I have been out for dinner or aperitivos almost every night with my friends. I don`t feel like returning home after school. The flat feels gold and empty and no one is waiting for me there.
Despite of the rain, there is at least one part of the city that looks beautiful, Brera. I have started to walk through there after school. It reminds me a bit of my hometown, Rauma with all the paving stones and lamps. Luckily I have my amazing friends, M and red wine that keep me going and warm... hih!!! Next week after starting new collections I will feel better for sure... Buon weekend!!!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Gli amici finlandesi
I think it is kinda funny that wherever I move, I always have Finnish or Swedish best friends. When I lived in Victoria/ Canada I always spent my time with Bea or Daniel from Sweden. When I was an au pair in Monza/ Italy, I spent my evenings with Di. With her we had the craziest parties at Hollywood and always hitchhiked home from Milan. I am so grateful to be still alive! I will never ever forget the huge black bodyguard in blue tiny Fiat who brought us home once or the white leather seat which I might have ruined with Cola (that BMW owner was so angry...hih). Those were great times... ;o)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Dove c`è il tempo libero???
The schoolwork continues hard. Last week I had fever for 4 days, but it didn`t stop me to work for school. There was no other choise! I had to show my fashion teacher all my designs before she would leave. My teacher is gone for 2 weeks and when she returns, we need to hand-in two collections (all ready)!!!

I have started to stress (a bit only, hah) for my future from February onwards. I need to find a job immediately to pay my living here. (I just mean all the champagne and shoes...) I know already that it will not be easy. I also worry about my appartment, because the notice time is 6 months here. My future job might not be in Milan or Italy. Huh! There is soooo many questions in my mind that worry me, but I just need to stay calm... and focus to study. I know!!! ;o)
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