Sunday, November 30, 2008

Ancora domenica, mercato di Naviglio

We have gotten used to go to the outdoor market of Naviglio. It is hold on the last Sunday of almost every month. It feels like last week when I was there with my Bionda, but it must be a month ago. Time really flies here and I don`t even want to think what will happen in February after graduation. I need to find a job which pays more than 1500€ and really deside in which country to start living... of course it depends of the work I will find... (gasping)...
Some days ago we got snow to Milan, but today it was only freezing cold by the canal. I find it amusing that some of the sellers recognize me by the booths. Come on... I go there once a month and there must be thousands of other shoppers. Hih...

Today my compagnion was Socrates from Marangoni. Every girl should have at least a few gay best buddies... like Stanford for Carrie. ;o) It has been so busy at school that we haven`t had well time to catch-up lately. Fortunately we still have msn and this lovely Sunday at Naviglio. I have to admit that he was replazing my Bionda pretty well with shopping and observing all the "kitsch".

Some photographer stopped us and wanted to take pictures of him. So cool! I would love to see them when they end up to Arena magazine.

The lady and Socrates checking out the result. I didn`t think that it would get this cold already in November here in Milan. Afrer our "research" trip around the canal our fingers were so frozen that we wanted to have a lunch with some great red wine to get warmer. For dolce we had some "torta di chocolate con il gelato"...

Friday, November 28, 2008

Io, nottambula???

My friend called me today "nottambula". It means "yökyöpeli" or in English "night owl". I like the word in Italian, it is so funny!!! I guess he was totally right. Since I got my new best friend, wake-up light by Philips, I have started to sleep much longer and stay awake much much later. Maybe all the staying awake during last weeks have something to do with it as well, but still... How can I sleep so well with the radio and bright light next to my head. That is so weird!!!
Anyways... we got snow today in Milan and what I heard from the radio, the city was in chaos. I personally felt so homely. Hih... As soon as I got up (in the afternoon) I rushed out to enjoy it. My plan was to go for a long walk, but after 500 meters my snowboots were soaking wet. Instead I only took care of my errands.

All these pictures are from via Tortona. That is the home area of design shops and modelling offices. I had to pick up a skirt from the tailor and find a cobbler to repair my boots. It still isn`t that easy here finding the services you need... Luckily my dear portiere Eugenio always gives me a helping hand. On Tuesday I tried for a first time an Italian hairdresser in San Babila, Toni & Guy (I know British) and was pretty satisfied. Who wouldn`t be with that cute guys pampering you... ;o)

I have a tiny problem in my appartment here in Milan. In the summertime it was like sauna with a temperature +50C and now in the wintertime it is freezing cold. I have gas heating, but the repairguy visiting me in the summer told me that it isn`t that safe to use it. So I only have the heating on when I am home, but not when I am sleeping. The son of the owners said that he never sleeps with the gas on.... so usually when I come home from school or wake up the temperature is +12C. It is only November, what will I do in January??? I usually drink a class of red wine in the evenings to stay warm, but hey.... January??? I`ll become an alcoholic and most propably never graduate.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

La scuola dura

One of my friends said last week in FB that my life is sad, there is nothing else than school and homework. That was pretty much the truth. I lived for school 24/7... but I got great marks in the first exams so I don`t mind. That is why I paid a fortune to study here. It might be different for some others who are here just to party and because "Pappa betalar".
On Monday we returned our collections and already got new information for the next luxury and accessory- collections. I have felt kinda lost for the past days. It has taken time to get motivated again for the new assignments. I have felt that I don`t have to work the entire night again for the next days homework, but still I should. The workload we have to do before christmas break is absurd. I still haven`t realised it... that is why I met my friends for aperitivo on Tuesday evening in Fashion Cafe and slept last night 12 hours. I am taking a break today to get started again...

Last weekend I had my friend visiting me from Finland. On Saturday we relaxed a bit. We had a great dinner at Officina 12, visited new restaurants, bars and clubs. It was fun! I was all done with my work and I even had time to do some new research, that was good... But still getting your mind and body focused on again is not easy.

This is the view of our classrooms. There is 5 classes in the same huge long room. In the beginning it was strange to start studying here but now it is totally normal.

This was the atmosphere on Monday after the exams. Some of my friends hadn`t slept for the past 2 days and fell asleep at school after the exam and others were still finishing their work. So normal!!! Some lucky ones had spend the weekend travelling in Boston, London etc... ;o)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Marangoni party

Finally there was some little time to relax. It has been absurd at school. Really!!! I counted yesterday briefly that I have worked for school more than 400 hours in one month. Do you think that is normal? Still the Finnish covernment says that I am not a full time student and doesn`t give me any financial support, screw them!!!
Last night I got my Finnish friends over for some good wine, snacks and chatting. It was great! Later the same night would be the annual Marangoni party at Amnesia. I thought that it would be great to see that and finally go dancing. It was way too late when we left my house, so we desided to go straight to Amnesia with Kristiina. She flew to Milan yesterday to see me and other friends. Unfortunately we couldn`t convince Anne and Irene with us...
After a taxi drive through the dark city we made it to Amnesia. It was packed with people!!! I believe there was more than 1500 partiers. I first thought that they were all of our students and their friends, but Marangoni partys are famous in town of the pretty girls and boys so... ;o)
Some sexy dancers on stage...

Kristiinas friends joined us at Amnesia.

Here I am with Christian and Guido.

When leaving the club we had a tiny problem... Christian had a Smart and we were 4 tall adults. Hmmm... What to do? There were takers for me, but hey, Milan at night time with strangers. No way!!! We somehow got us packed to the car like sardins in a can and I made it home safely... extremely tired, but happy. ;o) Today, back to studying and working hard... I wonder when will I have the change to relax like this again.

Friday, November 14, 2008

L`autunno in Italia

It is Friday evening and I am home working for my collections. I have a deadline next week so most propably there won`t be too much sleep before that... The entire week has been gray and I have lacked all the energy. I guess that`s why I have been out for dinner or aperitivos almost every night with my friends. I don`t feel like returning home after school. The flat feels gold and empty and no one is waiting for me there. Despite of the rain, there is at least one part of the city that looks beautiful, Brera. I have started to walk through there after school. It reminds me a bit of my hometown, Rauma with all the paving stones and lamps. Luckily I have my amazing friends, M and red wine that keep me going and warm... hih!!! Next week after starting new collections I will feel better for sure... Buon weekend!!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Gli amici finlandesi

I think it is kinda funny that wherever I move, I always have Finnish or Swedish best friends. When I lived in Victoria/ Canada I always spent my time with Bea or Daniel from Sweden. When I was an au pair in Monza/ Italy, I spent my evenings with Di. With her we had the craziest parties at Hollywood and always hitchhiked home from Milan. I am so grateful to be still alive! I will never ever forget the huge black bodyguard in blue tiny Fiat who brought us home once or the white leather seat which I might have ruined with Cola (that BMW owner was so angry...hih). Those were great times... ;o)
Here in Milan I am always in contact with my dear Anne. She works in an outlet close to my home. On Tuesday we had a great dinner at my place and ended up to Noon for a drink later. My good friend Teemu joined us too. When school work is crazy I need a break from it, once in a while at least...

On Friday we went to see Anne with Teemu. We kinda ended up fooling around with designer clothing... This black lace "thing" I planned to buy for my mom for x-mas. My hometown Rauma hosts once a year "Lace-weeks" which main event is Black lace-night, then everybody dresses in black lace, obviously. Hanging with these friends and talking in my mother tongue is great.

On Wednesday after school I met Irene for aperitivo and dinner. She is doing a Master in Marangoni so she knows what it is to be busy. I was kinda depressed (or going nuts) in the beginning of the week. The weather was miserable and I worked for school night and day. I also find Italians nowadays really really rude. They always push, cut in or aren`t that polite at all. I have become pretty convinst that the women dislike me, but hey... c`èst la vie. I am evidently in their territory. I guess the novelty of living here has become ordinary...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Dove c`è il tempo libero???

The schoolwork continues hard. Last week I had fever for 4 days, but it didn`t stop me to work for school. There was no other choise! I had to show my fashion teacher all my designs before she would leave. My teacher is gone for 2 weeks and when she returns, we need to hand-in two collections (all ready)!!!
After recovering of fever last week, I got my Muru visiting me from Holland. Finally a day`s break from all the hard work... ;o) And of course great dinners at Naviglio.

This is a moodboard for my Knitwear-collection (needs still a bit improving). For the collections we make, we need to do research, pick a brand and analyse it. Make moodboard and inspiration charts with computer. Start sketching technicals, get the teacher to approve them and make them with illustrator. Draw the figurinos with all the accessorys, make them all by computer or pantoni, make fabric and color charts, make accessory and finishing charts including all the samples etc... etc...

Sounds like easy, but it isnt!!! At the same time we are just learning to use the computer programs (photo shop and illustrator) which takes time. I will write to Santa and ask 15 extra hours for my day, maybe that would help to stay in schedule and shape... ;o) This picture on the top is my moodboard for the Streetwear-collection.
I have started to stress (a bit only, hah) for my future from February onwards. I need to find a job immediately to pay my living here. (I just mean all the champagne and shoes...) I know already that it will not be easy. I also worry about my appartment, because the notice time is 6 months here. My future job might not be in Milan or Italy. Huh! There is soooo many questions in my mind that worry me, but I just need to stay calm... and focus to study. I know!!! ;o)