This girl from Finland hasn`t got used to weather like this. It has been about 40C now for days. It is hot and humid outside and even warmer in my apartment. I am not the lucky one to have AC in my apartment, I would love to though. I had to buy an other ventilator on Tuesday. I like it warm and sunny, but in this town the air doesn`t move at all. It feels like in sauna and no one can`t stay there 24/7. Huh!
My beautiful blond friend has finished the school already and enjoys her free days in Italy. I, on the other hand, am trying to study hard for the weeks before vacation. My teacer wants us to design a fast wear-collection in just 2 weeks, she must be crazy. The heat is sucking all the energy out from me. I don`t get up in the mornings and after school I can`t do anything at all... except stay in sauna... ;o)
On Wednesday we went for dinner by the Naviglio. Beautiful! We had a blast; the food was good, champagne great (like always) and we laughed like teenagers. I blame it on the heat that I felt slow and misunderstood pretty much everything the cute model/waiter told us. Mamma mia!!! I think it is possible to mishear successo/sesso (success/sex). Yeah, I don`t think I need to tell you more... ;o)
On Thursday I made it to school in time after Sambucas and all the fun. I remember a comment from the night before from an Italian girl: "Tesoro, io, sono qua!" =Honey, I am here!! She bounced her boyfriend when he almost dropped eyes looking at us. So funny! After school I tried to run some errands down town, but realised that it was too hot to do anything. I have never seen Piazza Duomo that empty in the middle of afternoon. Everybody were spending their time inside or in the shadow. Smart...
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