Friday, June 20, 2008

Finalmente fa caldo!!!!

The rain is finally over... at least I hope so. It ended at the same time than my last exam. Good timing! For the last days it has been +32C, this is the weather I thought Italy is famous for. ;o) I have been working a lot for my exams for the last two weeks. We had to show ready portfolios of Fashion and Digital Designs. That meant working long days for weeks. Luckily I did so, because I was the only one with good sleeps the night before the exam. The others came without sleep at all. Funny thing is, that I applyed a support from Finnish covernment for studying here. They denied it, because I am not studying here full time. "Pullshit", I say. This much of work what we do here for school wouldn`t be lecal in Finland. They can keep their money, I don`t need it!! ( See, I am getting pissed of about this subject again... ;o) )
Last night we got our routines back with my beautiful blond friend. We were in Bvlgari again with Irene. We were celebrating her finishing her first year here. She did the exact same one-year-program that I am attending now. Congratulations for her! I can`t wait all the sleepless nights, antibiotics, peptic ulcer and amounts of coffee just to stay awake for nights to come. And in Finland they think that I am not studying full time here.

We got an invitation to the private garden yesterday. What an interesting experience... ;o) Today we needed some shopping and pizza to recover from last nigth`s outing.

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