I am hooked to YouTube, so bad! I should be designing more softshell jackets with illustrator, but instead I am looking for Chanel ads. This is the latest one of Chanel N5 parfym with Audrey Tautou. If you have been following my blog or if you know me... I only wear Chanel parfym (Allure Sensuelle) and I am a hopeless dreamer... Enjoy!
I need to admit something that happened today. I think that it is kinda like from the movies. I was walking with my friend in Via Sant`Andrea (the street of Chanel store...) and a gorgeously dressed man walks past me. I stop talking and just stare at him. He walks past me and I turn around to look at him (I never do that), he turns at the same time and looks at me. I am stunned... I walk a few steps and I still need to see a peak of him, so I turn to look behind. I find him turning around and looking at me at the same time. I continue smiling with my friend but I am still thinking that it was something strange... ;o)
...Ciao! eksyin tanne jostain.. e ho notato che abbiamo qualcosa in comune ;)
Ai... kerro lisää please? ;o)
Hih, olemme suomalaisia ja asumme muilla mailla... itseasiassa aika lahekkain. L'autostrada A9 per 30 minuti e sono a Milano.. MIten muuten on mennyt taalla ikuisessa kaaoksessa?
Nimen omaan ikuisessa kaaoksessa. Usko tai älä, mut oon tottunut siihen. ;o) Suomeen muutto ei tulis kuuloonkaan tällä erää.
Meillä oli jotain muutakin yhteistä... ainakin M ja Hollanti, hih...
Kun tuut tänne ens kerralla niin voitais käydä aperitivolla joku ilta kun mun työkiireet helppaa. ;o)
Fammi sapere!
Joo, M on itseasiassa mun siskon jutskuja ;) kirjoitetaan blogia yhdessä.
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