For the last week I have been working on board at Silja Europa. It is a cruise ship that goes from Finland to Sweden every day. We leave from Turku in the evening and sail over night to Stockholm, where we stop for one hour in the morning. In the summer we have a lot of turists and families and other times mainly party-people...and russians.

I worked in the tax free as a host. It was a lot of fun, but at the same time hard work. At some point I felt like a Duracell-bunny walking and going all the time. People who work on the boat have a bad reputation with parties and drinkings. Hmm... No comments!!!
I had a break every afternoon and for my luck, the weather was excellent. I got to spend some time on the helicopterdeck suntanning, chatting with friends and looking at the imaging scenery.
you look gorgeous, as usual! looks like nice weather too! Oh I want to be back on the boat....
Thanks sweetie!
The weather was great, no doubt...
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